Through leadership engineering we pioneer, develop, and promote creative ideas for leadership development that applies to human and enhancement an growth.
We offer highly specialized training and development continuously updated to meet the challenge evolving times.
In all of these we shall be guided by the highest level of integrity demanded from every individual for we shall have accomplish through our envision honesty reliability and confidentiality.
At Biene Center we believe in becoming a model of what we do, nurturing individuals talents and potentials, become a mentor to these individuals, as we see them expand their horizons doing the same or better that we have imparted to them.
Program Aims
Enhancement of potential and expertise in relevat techniques and presentation but most of all useful for everyone life’s.
Our certificate carries with it the highest symbols of quality, perseverant demanded from every mentor, trainers and graduates.
To develop a structure of highly influential teachers, leaders, coaches and communicators embodied with adequate leadership training and developed talents skills all over the places where they maybe needed at any point of their lives.
In this regard mission we shall be our continuing mission to be of at most influences to everyone inside or outside the organization to play a significance role in the life of everyone through leadership development and personal growth.
Saat ini John Maxwell Team telah
memiliki 10.000 anggota dari berbagai usia, strata dan industri. Inc. John Maxwell memiliki visi untuk mengembangkan diri dalam
mencapai potensi yang dimiliki selama lebih dari lima puluh tahun. Magazine
menobatkan John Maxwell sebagai pakar
manajemen dan kepemimpinan yang berpengaruh di dunia.
Leadership Development Engineering Program akan
mengimplementasikan kurikulum John Maxwell yang telah terbukti selama 40 tahun
dalam pengembangan keahlian, metode dan sumberdaya sehingga mampu meningkatkan produktivitas
hidup anda. Biene Center mempromosikan ide-ide
kreatif dalam pengembangan kepemimpinan yang bersifat aplikatif dalam pencapaian pertumbuhan individu secara
Kami menawarkan pelatihan secara khusus yang bersifat pengembangan
berkelanjutan dalam menghadapi berbagai
tantangan, yang dipandu berdasarkan tingkat integritas yang ingin dicapai oleh
setiap individu.
1. Intentional Living
2. International Learning Style
3. No Nonsense Management
4. Invaluable Law of Growth
5. General Study for Character Building Education (Hong Kong Education System)
6. Service Society in Hong Kong
7. Supply Chain Management for Education System
8. Ergonomic Design for Management
9. Six Sigma – Breakthrough in Quality Management
10. Quality Function Deployment
11. Speaker Training
12. How to Influence People
13. Reliability Centered Maintenance
14. Preventive Maintenance
15. Supply Chain Excellence SCOR
Ir. Fajar Kurniawan, M.Si, RQP
Fajar Kurniawan is a lecturer with 17 years experience in Industrial Engineering aand Management Program for over 10 different universities in Jakarta. He is also the founder of Bintang Nusantara Learning Center Hong Kong, an Education Institution which give the opportunities for minorities especially Migrant Workers to complete their formal education in Hong Kong.
Fajar Kurniawan is a lecturer with 17 years experience in Industrial Engineering aand Management Program for over 10 different universities in Jakarta. He is also the founder of Bintang Nusantara Learning Center Hong Kong, an Education Institution which give the opportunities for minorities especially Migrant Workers to complete their formal education in Hong Kong.
He is
a Registered Six Sigma Green Belt from Six Sigma Institute Hong Kong. He
Qualified for permitted teacher issued by Hong Kong Council for Accreditation
of Academic and Professional Qualifications in Hong Kong. He is also recognized
as a certified John C. Maxwell Coach, Trainer, and Speaker in 2016,
Orlando-Florida-USA. He is completed SAS Training for Survival Data Mining in
San Francisco California USA. He
was working as Vice Dean of Engineering Faculty in Islamic Asy-Syafi’iyah
University, and Secretary of Department in Persada Indonesia Jakarta. He still
has rank of Lector as a professional lecturer in BINUS University Jakarta.
he is a Program Director in KCP Holding’s Hong Kong, an Education Consultancy
which operate the Program of Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurial Management
from Saint Mary’s University in Philippine. He is a Director and founder of
Bintang Nusantara International.
Kurniawan finished Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management
at Pasundan University Bandung in 1998, and obtained his Master degree in
Agroindustrial Technology at Bogor Agricultural University in 2006 with full
scholarship award from Directorate of Higher Education, Department of Cultural
and Education Republic of Indonesia.